

Imulto does technical coordination and all tech for performance festival WAVES in Vordingborg, Denmark.

Waves Festival takes place every second year. WAVES FESTIVAL 2017 was held from 20th to 26th of August.

WAVES FESTIVAL takes place in Vordingborg and surroundings, both indoors and outdoors. The festival is an international forum for experimental theater and stage art. Performing artists from all over the world present their work and see the newest directions in the world of theater, dance and visual art. For the full programme of 2017 and news coming up in 2018 and 2019 take a look here

Thomas is already on site, Imre and Uli will join 22/8 and Filip and Oscar for the final days.

Setting up Mu-Cinematique des fluides by Trance Express! The show endured a thunder storm with heavy rain but continued!
Muljil – by Elephants Laugh from Korea. Aquariums in a parking lot behind Aldi and (Woodstock style) lighting towers.
Kind – Peeping Tom. Imre on side lights in Vordingborg theatre.


at Bastionen, Malmö.

Spacetimelab does a monologue by Anette Jellne, directed by Richard Asker, of the piece “Grounded” by american playwright George Brant.

Lighting design: Thomas Dotzler / Imulto

Uli runs the show. Pics to come.